G7 Ise-Shima Summit, 26-27 May 2016
We, the leaders of the G7, met in Ise-Shima on 26 and 27 May 2016 to
address major global economic and political challenges. Global growth
remains moderate and below potential, while risks of weak growth
persist. Escalated geo-political conflicts, terrorism and refugee flows
complicate the global economic environment. The rise of violent
extremism, terrorist attacks and other challenges, pose serious threat
to the existing rule based international order, as well as to common
values and principles for all humanity.
The G7 has a special responsibility to lead international efforts to
tackle these challenges. We remain bound together as a group guided by
our common values and principles, including freedom, democracy, the rule
of law and respect for human rights. Furthermore, following the
adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda)
and the Paris Agreement on climate change last year, we will further
make efforts to implement our commitments. Today, we have demonstrated
our capacity to make tangible progress on a broad range of economic,
security, and development policy issues, and we will demonstrate through
our actions, a path forward in solving major issues to ensure peace,
security and prosperity of the world.
G7 Ise-Shima Economic Initiative
We pledge to collectively tackle current economic challenges, while
laying out foundations for stronger long-term global growth. Therefore,
we have developed our commitment in the following areas as our response
to contribute to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth.
World Economy: Global growth is our urgent priority.
Taking into account country-specific circumstances, we commit to
strengthening our economic policy responses in a cooperative manner and
to employing a more forceful and balanced policy mix, in order to
swiftly achieve a strong, sustainable and balanced growth pattern.
We reiterate our commitments to using all policy tools – monetary, fiscal and structural – individually and collectively, to strengthen global demand and address supply constraints, while continuing our efforts to put debt on a sustainable path. We reaffirm the important role of mutually-reinforcing fiscal, monetary and structural policies, the three pronged approach, to buttress our efforts to achieve strong, sustainable, and balanced growth. We concur on the importance of strengthening our efforts in a cooperative manner to implement our fiscal strategies flexibly to strengthen growth, job creation and confidence, while enhancing resilience and ensuring debt as a share of GDP on a sustainable path, as well as to advance structural reform decisively. We are committed to advancing structural reforms to boost growth, productivity and potential output and to leading by example in addressing structural challenges. We commit to further investment in areas conducive to economic growth, such as environment, energy, digital economy, human resource development, education, science and technology.
Migration and Refugees: The G7 recognizes the
ongoing large scale movements of migrants and refugees as a global
challenge which requires a global response. We commit to increase global
assistance to meet immediate and long-term needs of refugees and other
displaced persons as well as their host communities. The G7 encourages
international financial institutions and bilateral donors to bolster
their financial and technical assistance.
Trade: We are committed to using trade to create
economic opportunities for workers, consumers and firms. We reaffirm our
commitment to keep our markets open and to fight all forms of
protectionism. In order to further boost free trade, we commit to
strengthen the rules-based multilateral trading system and promote WTO
negotiations. We also encourage trade liberalization efforts through
regional trade agreements including the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),
the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the Transatlantic
Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Comprehensive Economic
and Trade Agreement (CETA). We recognize that global excess capacity in
industrial sectors, especially steel, is a pressing structural challenge
with global implications and this issue needs to be urgently addressed
through elimination of market distorting measures and, thereby,
enhancement of market function.
Infrastructure: We endorse the G7 Ise-Shima
Principles for Promoting Quality Infrastructure Investment to address
the global demand-supply gap and strive to align our own infrastructure
investment with the Principles. We further encourage the relevant
stakeholders, including multilateral development banks (MDBs), to align
their infrastructure investment and assistance with the Principles.
Health: We commit to take concrete actions for
advancing global health as elaborated in the G7 Ise-Shima Vision for
Global Health, highlighting that health is the foundation of economic
prosperity and security. We commit to promote Universal Health Coverage
(UHC) as well as endeavor to take leadership in reinforcing response to
public health emergencies and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) which could
have serious impacts on our economies. We also emphasize promoting
research and development (R&D) and innovation in these and other
health areas.
Women: We commit to create a society where all women
and girls are empowered and actively engaged for sustainable, inclusive
and equitable economic growth. We commit to empowering women and girls,
including through capacity-building such as education and training as
well as promoting active role of women in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields. We endorse to the G7 Guiding
Principles for Building the Capacity of Women and Girls as common
guiding principles for our actions.
Cyber: We strongly support an accessible, open,
interoperable, reliable and secure cyberspace as one essential
foundation for economic growth and prosperity. We promote digital
adoption for improved quality of life, by bridging digital divides,
enabling innovative business models and affordable universal and high
quality access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as
well as enhancing digital literacy. We endorse the G7 Principles and
Actions on Cyber and commit to take decisive actions.
Anti-Corruption: Our collective and individual
action to fight corruption is critical for economic growth, sustainable
development and maintaining peace and security. We resolve to take
measures to improve public procurement transparency, enhance fiscal
transparency, and improve anti-corruption capacity building as well as
strengthen law enforcement cooperation. We will also promote global
effort to fight corruption. We endorse the G7 Action to Fight Corruption
as our commitment to lead by example in moving the global
anti-corruption agenda forward.
Climate: The G7, continuing to take a leadership
role, commits to taking the necessary steps to secure ratification,
acceptance or approval of the Paris Agreement as soon as possible, and
calls on all Parties to do so striving for a goal of entry into force in
2016. We commit to take the lead by early, transparent and robust
implementation of our nationally determined contributions, and promoting
increased ambition over time. We also commit to actively participate in
the regular review of global stock-take progress every five years. We
commit to formulate and communicate ambitions mid-century long-term low
greenhouse gas (GHG) emission development strategies well ahead of the
2020 deadline.
Energy: Recognizing the important role that the
energy system has to play in the implementation of the Paris Agreement,
we are determined to accelerate our work towards the transition to an
energy system that enables a decarbonization of the global economy, and
commit to further invest in supporting innovation in energy technologies
and encouraging clean energy and energy efficiency, so as to ensure
economic growth with reduced GHG emissions. Faced with the increased
uncertainty posed by the current energy price levels, we also commit to
play a leading role in facilitating energy investments, in particular
investments in quality energy infrastructure and upstream development.
Global Economy
State of the Global Economy
The global recovery continues, but growth remains moderate and uneven,
and since we last met downside risks to the global outlook have
increased. Global trade performance has disappointed in recent years.
Weak demand and unaddressed structural problems are the key factors
weighing on actual and potential growth. There are potential shocks of a
non-economic origin. A UK exit from the EU would reverse the trend
towards greater global trade and investment, and the jobs they create,
and is a further serious risk to growth. Escalated geopolitical
conflicts, terrorism and refugee flows, are complicating factors in the
global economic environment. We have strengthened the resilience of our
economies in order to avoid falling into another crisis, and to this
end, commit to reinforce our efforts to address the current economic
situation by taking all appropriate policy responses in a timely manner.
Policy Response
In light of this background, taking into account
country-specific circumstances, we commit to strengthening our
economic policy responses in a cooperative manner and to employing a
more forceful and balanced policy mix, in order to swiftly achieve a
strong, sustainable and balanced growth pattern. We stand ready to
deploy robust policy responses to bolster short and longer-term growth
as necessary. We reiterate our commitments to using all policy tools –
monetary, fiscal and structural – individually and collectively, to
strengthen global demand and address supply constraints, while
continuing our efforts to put debt on a sustainable path. We reaffirm
the important role of mutually-reinforcing fiscal, monetary and
structural policies, the three pronged approach, to buttress our efforts
to achieve strong, sustainable, and balanced growth. We remain
committed to ensuring that growth is inclusive and job-rich, benefitting
all segments of our societies.
Monetary policy authorities have committed to supporting the economic
recovery and overcoming disinflation, consistent with their mandates,
including through unconventional policies. However, monetary policy
alone cannot lead to strong, sustainable and balanced growth.
We concur on the importance of strengthening our efforts in a
cooperative manner to implement our fiscal strategies flexibly to
strengthen growth, job creation and confidence, while enhancing
resilience and ensuring debt as a share of GDP on a sustainable path, as
well as to advance structural reforms decisively. This will also allow
us to respond to emerging risks and urgent social and humanitarian
We are also making tax policy and public spending as growth-friendly as
possible, including by prioritizing expenditure in favor of
high-quality investment. We will consider the composition of our budget
expenditures and revenues to support productivity, employment,
inclusiveness and growth. We commit to ensuring that our fiscal and
structural policies support sustainable social security services, which
contribute to addressing our common demographic challenges. We intend to
ensure an appropriate level of public investment as well as promote
quality infrastructure investment to address shortfalls, including
through effective resource mobilization in partnership with the private
sector. We commit to further investment in areas conducive to economic
growth, such as environment, energy, digital economy, human resource
development, education, science and technology.
We are committed to advancing structural reforms to boost growth,
productivity and potential output and to leading by example in
addressing structural challenges. Labor market reform remains important
in some of our economies. We commit to advancing labor market
participation by women, the youth and the elderly, and improving job
opportunity and quality. We commit to promote active labor market
policies in order to ensure flexibility, inclusiveness and provide
opportunities for the unemployed. We recognize the importance of
achieving price stability and underline that wage dynamics should remain
in line with productivity. We commit to ensuring a strong corporate
governance framework that helps firms to channel corporate earnings in a
productive manner to investment and wages. We are promoting
competition, entrepreneurship and innovation, including by lowering
barriers to new business entrants. Innovation is critical to realize
sustainable growth. Competition is a source of innovation and we commit
to protect intellectual property rights.
We recognize that global excess capacity in industrial sectors,
especially steel, is a pressing structural challenge with global
We reaffirm our existing exchange rate commitments to market determined
exchange rates and to consult closely in regard to actions in foreign
exchange markets. We reaffirm that our fiscal and monetary policies have
been and will remain oriented towards meeting our respective domestic
objectives using domestic instruments and that we will not target
exchange rates. We underscore the importance of all countries refraining
from competitive devaluation. We reiterate that excess volatility and
disorderly movements in exchange rates can have adverse implications for
economic and financial stability.
A stable and resilient international financial architecture is critical
for economic and financial stability. We welcome the entry-into-effect
of the 2010 IMF Quota and Governance reforms and reaffirm our
to a strong, quota-based and adequately resourced IMF.
Financial Regulation
We reiterate our commitments to support the timely, full and consistent
implementation of the G20 financial sector reform agenda, which will
help us achieve our objective of sustainable economic growth. We also
remain committed to finalizing the main elements of the regulatory
reform agenda. We also reiterate our support for the work by the Basel
Committee to refine elements of Basel III framework to ensure its
coherence and maximize its effectiveness without further significantly
increasing overall capital requirements across the banking sector. We
continue to closely monitor, and if necessary, address emerging risks
and vulnerabilities in the financial system, including those associated
with shadow banking, asset management and other market-based finance
activities. We welcome the work of the Financial Stability Board (FSB)
in cooperation with other standard setting bodies (SSBs) to assess
holistically the extent, drivers and possible persistence of shifts in
market liquidity across jurisdictions and asset classes and consider
policy measures if necessary.
We will also continue to enhance the monitoring of implementation and
effects of reforms to ensure their consistency with our overall
objectives, including by addressing any material unintended
consequences. In this regard, we welcome the work by the FSB and SSBs to
enhance the analysis of the effects of G20 financial regulatory
reforms, including the combined effects and interaction across sectors
of related reforms, and look forward to the FSB’s second annual report
to the G20 on implementation and effects of regulatory reforms. We
intend to reap the economic benefits of technologically enabled
financial innovations while managing their potential impacts on
financial stability and market integrity. We welcome the work of the G7
Cyber Experts Group in the financial area to foster cyber security and
enhance cooperation among G7 countries in this area. We also welcome and
support the effective implementation of the G20/OECD Principles of
Corporate Governance. In particular, we look forward to the development
of the assessment methodology of the Principles.
Tax and Transparency
Steady, consistent and concerted implementation of the G20/OECD Base
Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) package is critical to restore public
trust in tax systems and to achieve a global level playing field for
all engaged in economic activities. We remain committed to lead the
process by example. To ensure widespread implementation of the BEPS
package, we encourage all relevant and interested countries and
jurisdictions to commit to implement the BEPS package and join the new
inclusive framework, noting that the first meeting will be held in Kyoto
in June.
To restore public trust in tax systems by enhancing transparency of tax
information, we reaffirm G20’s call on all relevant countries including
all financial centers and jurisdictions to implement the standard on
automatic exchange of information by committed deadline and to sign the
Multilateral Convention, as well as the request to the OECD to establish
the “objective criteria to identify non-cooperative jurisdictions with
respect to tax transparency.” These actions, together with possible
defensive measures to be considered against non-cooperative
jurisdictions, will help ensure that all relevant countries and
financial centers are committed to implementing the agreed standard of
tax transparency.
We recognize that strengthening capacity of developing countries in tax
policy and administration is indispensable to level the global playing
field. To enhance both quantity and quality of assistances in this area,
we are committed to the principles of the Addis Tax Initiative along
with encouraging other countries to make a similar commitment, and we
request that the Platform for Collaboration on Tax be actively utilized
to provide an opportunity where developing and developed countries and
relevant organizations can share information and knowledge on a regular
Improving the transparency of the beneficial ownership of legal persons
and legal arrangements is vital to prevent misuse of these entities and
arrangements for corruption, tax evasion, terrorist financing and money
laundering. We commit to the implementation of the international
standards on transparency, and call on all jurisdictions to do so. In
this respect, we look forward to the initial proposals of the Financial
Action Task Force and the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of
Information for Tax Purposes on ways to improve the implementation of
the international standards, including on the availability of beneficial
ownership information and its international exchange, to be presented
by the October meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Trade and investment are key drivers of growth, the prosperity of our
people and the achievement of sustainable development worldwide. It
enables us to access a broad range of goods and services, enhances
competitiveness thereby inviting investment and leads to job creation
and improved living standards. We continue to strive for better
application of internationally recognized labor, social and
environmental standards in global supply chains.
We are committed to using trade to create economic opportunities for
workers, consumers and firms. In such a highly interconnected global
economy, protectionism only delivers negative consequences. We reaffirm
our commitment to keep our markets open and to fight all forms of
protectionism including through standstill and rollback. We remain
committed to reducing barriers to trade and investment and to improving
competitiveness by liberalizing our economies. We recognize the
importance of ensuring a level playing field in all areas including
officially supported export credit and in this regard, we reiterate our
support for the International Working Group to develop guidelines for
publicly supported export finance and encourage all participating
parties to press for substantive progress through active engagement.
We recognize the negative impact of global excess capacity across
industrial sectors, especially steel, on our economies, trade and
workers. In particular, we are concerned about subsidies and other
support by governments and government-supported institutions that
distort the market and contribute to global excess capacity, including
such supports granted to overseas expansion of the capacity. We are
committed to moving quickly in taking steps to address this issue by
enhancing market function, including through coordinated actions that
identify and seek to eliminate such subsidies and support, and by
encouraging adjustment. In this regard, we are prepared to consult with
other major producing countries, utilizing venues such as OECD and other
fora, and, as necessary and consistent with the WTO rules and
disciplines, to consider the broad range of trade policy instruments and
actions to enforce our rights. Our experts will continue to coordinate
actions, working with other countries affected by this issue.
We underline that the rules-based multilateral trading system, which is
embodied in the WTO, has helped to create a strong and prosperous world
economy. We continue to strengthen the functions of the WTO, including
on negotiation, dispute settlement and monitoring. We welcome the
successful conclusion of the Nairobi Ministerial Conference, and in
order to solidify our achieved outcomes in the recent Ministerial
Conferences, call for a swift entry into force of the Trade Facilitation
Agreement (TFA) by the end of 2016 and its full implementation,
including through a coordinated approach to Aid for Trade, and the
implementation of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) expansion
as agreed. We aim to conclude an ambitious Environmental Goods Agreement
(EGA) that eliminates tariffs on a broad range of environmental
products by the G20 Summit in September in Hangzhou, having in mind a
future oriented agreement. We also look forward to concluding
negotiations on an ambitious, balanced and mutually beneficial Trade in
Services Agreement (TiSA) by the end of 2016. At the same time, we
promote forward-looking post-Nairobi discussions with our partners in
various fora, addressing outstanding and new issues as well as new
formats of negotiations. We call on all WTO members to engage
constructively and with sense of urgency to restart negotiations in
Geneva, so that the WTO meets the needs of the private sector including
SMEs and other stakeholders, as digital technologies and Global Value
Chains transform the global movement of goods, services and investment.
As an increasing number of developing countries have started to benefit
from this changing environment, we recognize the need to shed a new
light on the positive role of trade on growth and development, and we
look forward to useful work by the OECD and other international
As a useful complement and a building block to the multilateral trading
system, we encourage trade liberalization efforts in various forms. The
signing of the TPP is an important step forward for the establishment
of a platform for common trade rules and trade integration across the
Asia-Pacific region, and we encourage each TPP signatory to complete its
domestic process. We welcome the strong commitment of Japan and the EU
to reach agreement in principle on a comprehensive, high-level and
balanced Japan-EU EPA as early as possible in 2016. We are committed to
applying the necessary political will to reach a TTIP agreement as early
as this year, provided that it is ambitious, comprehensive, high
standard and mutually beneficial, with a view to harnessing the full
potential of the transatlantic economy as soon as possible. We welcome
the shared commitment of Canada and the EU to sign CETA this year. We
encourage Canada and the EU to bring CETA into force as early as
The global demand-supply gap of infrastructure investment is a serious
bottleneck to the current growth including job creation and development
challenges the world faces. While recognizing that effective
mobilization of resources in quantity is imperative, we highlight that
investment without the quality perspective could end up introducing
infrastructure with higher lifecycle costs, less durability, inequitable
distributive effects, highly negative environmental and social impacts,
vulnerability against natural disasters and the impacts of climate
change. We therefore reaffirm the crucial importance for stakeholders,
including governments, international organizations and the private
sector, to work coherently to bridge the existing gaps by promoting
quality infrastructure investment, so as to promote strong,
sustainable, and balanced growth, with an important contribution to
productivity gains, and to enhance resilience in our society, as well as
to contribute to the global efforts to advance sustainable development
by addressing development challenges including those identified in the
2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda.
To promote such quality infrastructure investment, we strive to align
our own infrastructure investment with the G7 Ise-Shima Principles for
Promoting Quality Infrastructure Investment, as set out in the Annex. We
further encourage the relevant stakeholders, namely governments,
international organizations, including MDBs, and the private sector,
such as in PPP projects, to align their infrastructure investment and
assistance with the Principles, including the introduction and promotion
of a transparent, competitive procurement process that takes full
account of value for money and quality of infrastructure.
We highlight that health is the foundation of prosperity and security
not only for individuals but also for nations. At the juncture of the
first G7 summit after the historic adoption of the 2030 Agenda, we are
fully committed to implementing the health-related Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) therein that ensure well-being at all stages
and health security for all individuals, and foster inclusive economic
growth for nations. Our leadership is needed more than ever in this
regard. UHC provides a comprehensive framework that underpins all of the
health targets. To achieve UHC, health systems need to be strong,
resilient, sustainable and responsive to the current and future needs of
the populations they serve. This includes, but is not limited to,
promoting women’s, children’s, and adolescents’ mental and physical
health, ensuring sexual and reproductive health and rights without
discrimination of any kind, and addressing malnutrition as well as
communicable and non-communicable diseases, including those due to
environmental factors and ageing.
Learning lessons from the Ebola outbreak, especially through the wisdom
offered by a wide-range of experts across the globe, including the work
of the UN High-Level Panel on the Global Response to Health Crises, we
recognize that health systems need to be resilient and have the capacity
to respond to, better prepare for and prevent global public health
threats such as pandemics and other severe events. Prompt and effective
responses to public health emergencies will also require World Health
Organization (WHO) reforms, funding mechanisms that enable speedy
disbursement for prompt response, coordinated implementation of action
among relevant stakeholders and systems, and better implementation of
the International Health Regulations (IHR).
We note that the efforts and achievements toward UHC, health system
strengthening (HSS) and preparing and responding to public health
emergencies are further jeopardized by the significant threat posed by
AMR. We also acknowledge the importance and contribution of R&D and
innovation to preserve and deploy existing remedies, and to discover new
remedies for these and other health areas, such as neglected tropical
diseases and poverty related infectious diseases as well as conditions
related to ageing.
With these in mind, we particularly commit to take concrete actions in
the following areas as elaborated in the G7 Ise-Shima Vision for Global
Health, as set out in the Annex. We also instruct our Health Ministers
to further elaborate necessary actions on these areas at their Meeting
in Kobe in September.
Reinforcing of the Global Health Architecture to strengthen response to public health emergencies
Recognizing the Ebola outbreak turned into a major epidemic partly due
to the lack of swift and coordinated actions among relevant
stakeholders, we commit to take leadership in reinforcing the Global
Health Architecture, relying on strengthening existing organizations.
We reaffirm the WHO’s central role in that architecture to enable and
support more swift, effective and coordinated responses to public health
emergencies. In this light, we urge and support the WHO to implement
its emergency and wider reforms, including its One WHO approach across
the three levels of the Organization, namely its headquarters, regional
and country offices, in a timely manner, recognizing its resource needs.
We also highlight the vital importance of adequate, responsible and
timely disbursement of financial resources to ensure appropriate
response to public health emergencies. In this connection, we call on
the international community to support the Contingency Fund for
Emergency (CFE) to enable swift initial responses by the WHO. Further,
to support a surge response by governments, multilateral agencies and
NGOs, we welcome the World Bank’s formal announcement of launching the
Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF), and invite the
international community including G7 members to extend technical support
and financial contributions to this end. We also call upon relevant
international organizations to ensure coordination among the PEF and
their related funding mechanisms including the CFE.
We commend the WHO for accelerating efforts to lead coordination among
relevant partners in large-scale outbreaks and public health
emergencies, considering its central role particularly in infectious
diseases and the need for continuous, predictable, rapid and efficient
response throughout the development of outbreaks from small- to
large-scale and into public health emergencies, leveraging existing
coordination structures, particularly the UN Office for the Coordination
of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). We invite the WHO and OCHA under the UN
Secretary General (UNSG) to review, strengthen and formalize
coordination arrangement among the WHO, the UN and other relevant
partners, and to update the G7 Health Ministers on the progress in
Recent outbreaks of Ebola and Zika underscore the imperative to improve
prevention of, detection of and response to public health emergencies,
whether naturally occurring, deliberate or accidental. In that respect,
we remain committed to advancing compliance with the WHO’s IHR
objectives including through the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA).
We renew our support to a coordinated approach to offer concrete
assistance to 76 countries and regions and support to these partners to
develop national plans in close coordination with the WHO and other
relevant organizations. Recognizing the primary responsibility of
countries to strengthen their IHR core capacities, we intend to assist
these partners to achieve the common and measurable targets of the Joint
External Evaluation (JEE) tool published by the WHO and in partnership
with other organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Organization for Animal Health
(OIE). We also commit to support, undergo, and share such evaluations
with our partners. In order to scale up the implementation of the IHR
and in line with its implementation of the new Health Emergencies
Program, we encourage the WHO to consider building on already existing
structures, such as the Department of Global Capacities, Alert and
Response and its Lyon office, and the emerging work of the Alliance for
Country Assessment for Global Health Security. We recognize the
importance of mobilizing financial resources of the relevant
international organizations for strengthening preparedness for and
prevention of pandemics, and look forward to discussing on the matter
with those organizations, including the World Bank such as International
Development Association.
Attaining of UHC with strong health systems and better preparedness
Recognizing the importance of accelerating achievement of UHC with the
principle of no one left behind, we reiterate our commitment to enhance
our support and coordination to strengthen health systems, especially in
developing countries, to make them more resilient, inclusive,
affordable, sustainable, and equitable ones. To this end, we emphasize
the need for a strengthened international framework to coordinate the
efforts and expertise of all relevant stakeholders and various fora /
initiatives at the international level, including disease-specific
efforts. In this connection, we support the establishment of UHC 2030
that seeks to ensure the International Health Partnership (IHP+)
principles and is supported by initiatives such as the Roadmap Healthy
Systems, Healthy Lives. We look forward to discussions with the UNSG
about the idea of nominating an envoy to promote and catalyze efforts
towards UHC across different sectors. We affirm that enhancing
prevention of and preparedness for public health emergencies, including
through strengthening IHR core capacities, is expected to be part of HSS
Meanwhile, taking into consideration the pressing need for HSS in Low
Income Countries (LICs) and Lower Middle Income Countries (LMICs) where
health systems are especially weak, we are also committed to support
country-led HSS in collaboration with relevant partners including the
WHO. In relation to this, while stressing the need of coordination with
the WHO and other relevant international organizations, we welcome the
World Bank’s endeavor to promote UHC for Africa. We are committed to
ending AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, working in partnership with the
Global Fund (GF) and others. To this end, we fully support a successful
5th replenishment of the GF, taking the opportunity of the GF
replenishment conference in Montreal in September, and call on
traditional and new donors to support the replenishment.
The promotion of UHC also requires provision of services to protect and
improve the health of all individuals throughout their life course. As a
part of such efforts and focusing on the areas where urgent responses
are needed along with the rapid demographic changes, we continue to take
leadership in promoting the health of women and girls, adolescents and
children, including through efforts to provide access to sexual and
reproductive health, rights and services, immunization, better
nutrition, and needs-based responses in emergencies and disasters. In
this regard, we welcome platforms such as the Global Financing Facility
for Every Woman Every Child, Gavi the Vaccine Alliance, and Global
Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health, and reaffirm
our continued commitment to reaching polio eradication targets. We also
commit to promoting active ageing, with due consideration to gender
specific aspects, through multi-sectoral approaches including the
promotion of age-friendly communities and support for communities to
become dementia-friendly. To this end, we share knowledge and
experiences, and encourage developing countries including through the
forum on active ageing to be held in Japan this year. We recognize the
rising challenges of promoting a positive environment for innovative
research and development, encouraging access to medicines and health
care, and ensuring the sustainability of health systems, and we welcome
an exchange of views on these issues at the upcoming G7 Health
Ministers' meeting, recognizing the uniqueness of national
circumstances, priorities, and health system designs.
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Good progress has been made to combat AMR including the adoption of WHO
Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance and relevant resolutions
by FAO and the OIE, but more needs to be done. Building on the G7’s
previous commitment, we commit to make collective efforts for
strengthening and actively implementing a multi-sectoral One Health
Approach, taking into account the sectors including human and animal
health, agriculture, food and the environment. We particularly endeavor
to preserve effectiveness of antimicrobials, including by preserving
existing antibiotics, to strengthen the inter-sectoral surveillance in
all sectors, and to improve access to effective antimicrobials through
accelerated support in cooperation with other countries and private
sector partners. Recognizing the need for addressing market failure in
which pharmaceutical companies are not producing new diagnostics and
drugs required to combat infectious diseases in the face of AMR, we also
commit to consider potential for new incentives to promote R&D on
AMR and call on the international community to take further action.
Against those backdrops, we are committed to support the 2016 High-Level
Meeting on AMR at the UN General Assembly that promotes effective
implementation of the Global Action Plan through multi-sectoral global,
regional, national, and community collaborative efforts, and recognize
existing initiatives, such as those highlighted in the EU Ministerial
One Health Conference on AMR, the Tokyo Meeting of Health Ministers on
AMR in Asia, and the GHSA AMR Action Package.
Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality
We emphasize that the empowerment of women and girls and gender
equality are indispensable for their equal participation as agents of
change in the economic, social and political spheres of our societies.
Globally, women and girls still face barriers and discrimination that
prevent them from realizing their full potential. We also affirm the
importance of promoting and protecting women’s rights, and recognize the
role of women as key actors to ensure peace and security including when
addressing the threat of violent extremism, the ongoing displacement
crisis and protracted conflicts and disasters. Therefore, it remains the
G7’s goal to create societies where all women and girls are empowered
and actively engaged for sustainable, inclusive and equitable economic
growth and peace and where their human rights are universally respected
and protected. With this strong conviction in mind, we are committed to
take leadership in gender-responsive approaches to implementing the SDGs
and addressing climate change, and envision mainstreaming gender
equality throughout the SDGs and in every policy area, ensuring that our
national policies and public financial management to promote equity,
gender equality and women and girls’ empowerment. We especially
emphasize the following three areas today: empowering women and girls,
including through capacity-building; promoting the active role of women
in STEM fields; and making concrete progress in the Women, Peace and
Security agenda.
Empowering women and girls to realize their full potential
Building upon the outcomes of the past G7 Summits, the G7 Forum for
Dialogue with Women and the World Assembly for Women (WAW!), we are
determined to ensure women’s equal rights, full and effective
participation, equal pay for equal work, and equal opportunities for
leadership, while calling for active engagement of the private sector,
including through our efforts to promote the Women’s
Empowerment Principles (WEPs) of UN Women. We also endorse the mission
of the UN’s High Level Panel (HLP) on Women’s Economic Empowerment. We
reiterate our commitment to expanding opportunities for women and girls
by building their capacity including through quality education and
training, and supporting women and girls to realize their full
potential. To translate such commitments into actions, we endorse common
guiding principles set out in the Annex, the G7 Guiding Principles for
Capacity Building of Women and Girls: towards Sustainable, Inclusive and
Equitable Growth and Peace, that builds on the SDGs in the area of
gender equality, health and education. We invite other interested
countries to join us in these commitments.
Promoting the active role of women in STEM fields and careers
We recognize that a critical determinant of global competitiveness is
human talent, and that promoting the active role of women in STEM fields
and careers broadens the talent pool and enhances creativity and
innovation which leads to economic growth and productivity. We aim to
improve women’s access to higher-paying jobs and to reduce gender wage
gaps. Despite such benefits, while the number of women graduates in STEM
fields is increasing, the share of women employed in STEM careers has
shown little change in the last decade. We emphasize that, in addition
to education and training, it is important to remove the gender bias
that women encounter, promote institutional change and create legal and
policy environments which effectively advance gender equality in those
careers. In this light, we launch a G7 initiative, Women’s Initiative in
Developing STEM Career (WINDS), to catalyze global momentum to promote
the advancement of women in STEM fields and careers, in partnership with
the OECD, UNWomen, and other international agencies and stakeholders.
Making concrete progress in Women, Peace and Security
We are appalled by the increase in gender-based violence in all its
forms including sexual violence, in conflict and post-conflict
situations, when fleeing a conflict or when migrating, as well as during
and in the aftermath of natural disasters. We therefore reaffirm the
importance of tackling all forms of gender based violence including in
our societies, supporting those affected and holding perpetrators to
account with the aim to address the culture of impunity, while making
all efforts to prevent sexual and gender-based violence. We are also
committed to work with the UN and others to advance the Women, Peace and
Security agenda. In this connection, we call on all states to support
full implementation of the UNSG’s zero tolerance policy towards sexual
exploitation and of the UN Security Council resolution 2272. We
highlight the importance of women’s active and meaningful participation
in conflict prevention and resolution, mediation, peacekeeping,
humanitarian response, peacebuilding and post-conflict reconstruction
consistent with the UN Security Council resolution 1325 and its
subsequent resolutions. We therefore call upon all states to implement
the commitments they made at last year’s UN Security Council High Level
Review of SCR 1325, and remain committed to supporting efforts by other
countries, both financially and technically, to establish and implement
National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security or similar
gender-equality related strategies.
Moreover, recognizing the underrepresentation of women among
international conflict mediators, we commit to increasing the number of
women in such positions.
We strongly support an accessible, open, interoperable, reliable and
secure cyberspace as one essential foundation for economic growth and
prosperity. This also enhances the common values of the G7, such as
freedom, democracy and respect for privacy and human rights. We will
take decisive and robust measures in close cooperation against malicious
use of cyberspace, both by states and non-state actors, including
terrorists. We reaffirm that international law is applicable in
cyberspace. We commit to promote a strategic framework of international
cyber stability consisting of the applicability of existing
international law to state behavior in cyberspace, the promotion of
voluntary norms of responsible state behavior during peacetime, and the
development and the implementation of practical cyber confidence
building measures between states. In this context, we welcome the report
of the UN Group of Governmental Experts in 2015 and call upon all
states to be guided by the assessments and recommendations of the
report. We also reaffirm that no country should conduct or knowingly
support ICT-enabled theft of intellectual property, including trade
secrets or other confidential business information, with the intent of
providing competitive advantages to its companies or commercial sectors.
We commit to facilitate the free flow of information to ensure
openness, transparency and freedom of the Internet, and a fair and equal
access to the cyberspace for all actors of digital economy while
respecting privacy and data protection, as well as cyber security. We
commit to the protection and promotion of human rights online. We commit
to promote a multi-stakeholder approach to Internet governance which
includes full and active participation by governments, the private
sector, civil society, the technical community, and international
organizations, among others. We recognize that states have particular
responsibilities and roles in the ICT environment, just as elsewhere to
promote security, stability and prosperity. We commit to collaborate to
maximize the potential of the digitally connected world, and to address
global challenges, bridge digital divides, realize inclusive
development, and to achieve progress on the 2030 Agenda. We endorse the
G7 Principles and Actions on Cyber, as set out in the Annex to promote
and protect an open, interoperable, reliable and secure cyberspace. We
decide to establish a new G7 working group on cyber to enhance our
policy coordination and practical cooperation to promote security and
stability in cyberspace.
Corruption is fundamentally contrary to our common values, in
particular, the rule of law, democracy and fair competition. We
reiterate that our collective and individual action to fight corruption
is critical for economic growth, sustainable development and maintaining
peace and security. Recognizing the magnitude of the global problem of
corruption, we endorse the G7 Action to Fight Corruption, as set out in
the Annex, which demonstrates our renewed commitment to fight corruption
and ensure transparency worldwide. We will promote the effective
implementation of the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), as well
as other key international instruments such as the OECD Anti-Bribery
Convention and will promote full participation in their respective
review mechanisms. We welcome the outcomes and the momentum created by
the Anti-Corruption Summit hosted by the United Kingdom in May to
galvanize action against corruption in the international community, as
well as valuable initiatives such as the Open Government Partnership,
the Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), and the UN
Global Compact. We commit to lead by example in moving the global
anti-corruption agenda forward including in other international fora.
Foreign Policy
Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism
We strongly condemn terrorism in all forms and manifestations. The
attacks, atrocities and abuses of human rights targeting civilians and
other victims perpetrated by ISIL/Da’esh, Al Qaeda and other terrorist
organizations pose serious challenges to peace and international
security, as well as to common values and principles for all humanity.
We take note, with grave concern, of the growing number of terror
attacks, especially those aimed at vulnerable sites due to their open
access and limited security barriers as well as cultural property. The
Internet and social media have been exploited throughout the world for
terrorist, violent extremist and other criminal purposes, such as
terrorist recruiting and financing, attack planning and coordination.
Aviation security is also a global challenge that requires all countries
to ensure implementation of appropriate and sustainable security
measures that can evolve to respond to the terrorist threat.
We reiterate that it is essential for the international community to
make further collective and coordinated efforts to fight this urgent
global security threat. We stress the importance of continued
cooperation with the private sector, civil society and communities and
the “whole-of-society” approach.
We commend the intensive counterterrorism efforts that have already
been made globally, regionally, bilaterally and domestically. We
emphasize the importance of filling gaps and accelerating such existing
efforts and reaffirm that the G7, as a catalyst for global progress, can
play a leading role in promoting effective implementation of
counterterrorism measures in cooperation with the international
community in a manner fully compliant with international human rights
obligations. We continue to work together to prevent the flow of foreign
terrorist fighters and terrorism-related materials and equipment. We
reassert our commitment to countering terrorist financing as declared in
the G7 Action Plan on Combatting the Financing of Terrorism at the G7
Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ meeting in Sendai.
The payment of ransoms to terrorist groups is one of the sources of
income which supports their recruitment efforts, strengthens their
operational capability to organize and carry out terrorist attacks, and
incentivizes future incidents of kidnapping for ransom, thereby
increasing the risks to our nationals. We unequivocally reiterate our
resolve not to pay ransoms to terrorists, to protect the lives of our
nationals and, in accordance with relevant international conventions, to
reduce terrorist groups’ access to the funding that allows them to
survive and thrive, and call on all states to do so.
We commit to promote peaceful co-existence wherever differences of
opinion, culture and faith exist, respect for diversity, tolerance, and
inclusive dialogue in order to break the vicious cycle of violence and
hatred and to prevent the emergence and spread of violent extremism. In
this regard, we welcome the UNSG’s Plan of Action to Prevent Violent
Extremism, call for its implementation and support a strong model of UN
leadership which will deliver a genuinely whole-of-UN approach. We also
stress the importance of the role of local communities, especially women
and youth, as well as empowerment of alternative voices including
through education and dialogue.
We also commit to enhance our coordination to support countries in need
of building their capacity on countering terrorism and violent
Committing ourselves to translate these principles into concrete
action, we commit to take actions as set out in the Annex, the G7 Action
Plan on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism. We commit to work
to support the implementation of relevant UN Security Council
resolutions, to bolster information sharing, to strengthen border
security, to improve aviation security, to counter terrorist financing,
to fight against trafficking of cultural properties, to prevent and
counter violent extremism, to step up our engagement with the private
sector and to further coordinate our capacity building assistance. We
commit to regularly take stock of the implementation of the Action Plan.
Migration and Refugee crisis
With the number of refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced
persons (IDPs) and vulnerable migrants at its highest level since the
Second World War, the G7 recognizes the ongoing large scale movements of
migrants and refugees as a global challenge which requires a global
response, in full respect for human rights and in accordance with
applicable international law. We place the highest priority on humanely
and effectively managing this challenge, addressing both the
humanitarian consequences and the root causes of massive displacement.
Large movements of people are a multi-faceted phenomenon, which requires
addressing its root causes resulting from conflicts, state fragility
and insecurity, demographic, economic and environmental trends as well
as natural disasters. The international community should therefore
increase its efforts towards conflict prevention, stabilization,
and post-conflict peacebuilding and focus on finding solutions in order
to reduce poverty, promote peace, good governance, the rule of law and
respect for human rights, support inclusive economic growth and improve
the delivery of basic services.
We commit to increase global assistance to meet immediate and
longer-term needs of refugees and other displaced persons as well as
their host communities, via humanitarian, financial, and development
assistance, cooperation, as well as other measures to support trade and
investment consistent with our international obligations, recognizing
the necessity of closer collaboration between humanitarian, development
and other actors. We aim to increase the socio-economic development of
affected regions, notably regarding education, health care,
infrastructure, and promotion of human rights and equal opportunities.
We recognize the importance of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
regarding effective migration management, and we commit to strengthen
our development cooperation with our partner countries, with special
attention to African, Middle East and neighboring countries of origin
and transit.
The G7 encourages international financial institutions and bilateral
donors to bolster their financial and technical assistance for refugees
and other displaced persons as well as their host communities and
welcomes, in particular, the launch of New Financing Initiative to
Support the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region. We also call for
close coordination with existing facilities and funding mechanisms,
such as the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis
(‘Madad Fund’), the EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey, and the EU Trust
Fund for Africa. We stress the importance of increasing support to the
most affected host countries, such as Jordan, Lebanon and Kenya, and
continue close cooperation with Turkey, which will help deliver the
outcomes of the London Conference on Supporting Syria and the Region.
The Syrian crisis has underlined the need for the international
community to be better equipped to assist developing countries of all
income levels and across all regions in addressing cases of protracted
displacements. Increasing global support for relevant international
humanitarian and emergency relief organizations, such as the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Food Programme, and UN
Children’s Rights and Emergency Relief Organization (UNICEF), is vital.
We call for the adoption of wide-range and long-term strategies and
instruments to tackle the root causes of the surge of economic migration
and refugee flows. We recognize that there is a need for tools that
assist countries in providing sustainable livelihoods for refugees and
other displaced persons as well as their host communities, through
financing and technical advice to support access to jobs, education,
health services, and basic infrastructure. Along with other World Bank
shareholders, we ask the World Bank to develop a new platform that
expands its toolkit to assist countries hosting refugees. We also
welcome that the European Investment Bank is exploring options to
develop a long-term crisis response initiative in support of sustainable
growth, vital infrastructure and social cohesion in the Mediterranean
region and Africa.
Legal channels for migration will be enhanced consistently with
national and regional frameworks in tandem with addressing irregular
migration. The G7 encourages the temporary admission of refugees and the
establishment of resettlement schemes, to alleviate pressure on
countries hosting the largest numbers of refugees. Recognizing the
contribution made by existing initiatives, work to expand resettlement
opportunities and other forms of safe and legal humanitarian admission
for refugees should continue. We commit to assist the front-line states
in creating education and employment opportunities for refugees in order
to empower them as future assets contributing to the stability and
prosperity of host communities and the reconstruction of home countries
after their return.
The G7 supports the strengthening of the international protection
approaches through promoting the core principles of the Convention
Relating to the Status of Refugees and its Protocol, and by providing
safe haven for those fleeing persecution. It is also clear, however,
that protection frameworks should not be used to bypass legitimate
immigration assessment. To these ends, individuals fleeing persecution
should be granted effective protection in the first safe country they
enter, and governments should provide opportunities for safe and orderly
resettlement processes as well as provide international humanitarian
and development assistance for refugees, host countries and communities.
At the same time, we encourage cooperation with countries of origin and
transit to facilitate the safe and dignified return and reintegration
of migrants who are not eligible for international protection, including
under the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its
Protocol. We are determined to continue to fight migrant smuggling and
modern slavery, and protect victims of trafficking together with
countries of origin, transit and destination. We call for the conclusion
and full implementation of the relevant international instruments, such
as the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its
Further, we support UN-led efforts to strengthen the long-term capacity
and effectiveness of the international system to respond to
humanitarian crises, which includes: (i) increasing resources for
humanitarian assistance, (ii) reducing reliance on humanitarian aid by
investing in resilience and disaster risk reduction, and by seeking
durable solutions to displacement; (iii) broadening the resource base;
as well as (iv) enhancing access, efficiency and effectiveness of
humanitarian aid delivery systems. We also reiterate the importance of
addressing the root causes of displacement, including human rights
The G7 recalls that only sustainable political settlements within
countries of origin, including Syria, will bring lasting solutions to
the problem of forced displacement, including refugees.
We welcome the World Humanitarian Summit and look forward to the UN
General Assembly Summit on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and
Migrants and the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees in New York in September.
Deauville Partnership
We reiterate our commitment to the Deauville Partnership to support the
countries of the MENA in their economic and governance reform efforts.
We recognize the new challenges facing the Arab Countries in Transition
(ACTs) including the rise of violent extremism, intensification of
military conflicts, complex humanitarian crises and significant number
of refugees. We emphasize the need for stability, democratization and
inclusive economic growth. To that end, we underscore the importance of
structural economic reforms, improved governance, the empowerment of
women and robust civil society participation.
The Deauville Partnership remains an important platform for dialogue
and cooperation with the ACTs, regional partners and relevant
international institutions. We commit to promote the socio-economic role
of women in the region and to convene an expert meeting on this topic.
We welcome the shared commitment to implement the Deauville Compact on
Economic Governance, the Action Plan for Financial Inclusion and the
projects financed by the MENA Transition Fund. We recognize the
importance of SME-related projects and encourage the updating of the ACT
SME Action Plans. We remain committed to supporting the ACTs through
country-tailored approaches.
We call on all parties and their backers to fully implement the
nationwide Cessation of Hostilities achieved based on the efforts taken
by the International Syria Support Group (ISSG). We condemn in the
strongest terms violations of the Cessation of Hostilities, especially
in and around Aleppo, by the Syrian regime and reiterate that parties
must cease indiscriminate attacks on civilians. We welcome the ISSG’s
commitment to intensifying its efforts to ensure that all parties stop
any further indiscriminate attacks, and welcome Russia’s commitment in
the Joint Statement of May 9 2016 to ‘work with the Syrian authorities
to minimize aviation operations over areas predominantly inhabited by
civilians or parties to the cessation’. We expect Russia and Iran to
urge the regime to comply with renewed cessation and to stop its attacks
directed at civilians, and urge all parties to the cessation to abide
by the terms of the cessation. We urge all members of the international
community and parties to the conflict to fully implement all relevant UN
Security Council resolutions, particularly 2254, 2258 and 2268 to
support the efforts by the UN Special Envoy, and to commit to an
inclusive and peaceful political transition in Syria based on the Geneva
Communiqué. We welcome the ISSG’s clear reiteration of the objective
that, by the target date of August 1 2016 as established by UN Security
Council resolution 2254, the parties reach agreement on a framework for a
genuine political transition, which would include a broad, inclusive,
non-sectarian transitional governing body with full executive powers.
We express our grave concern at the deterioration of the humanitarian
situation and call on all parties, notably the Syrian regime, to
immediately allow humanitarian agencies rapid, safe, unhindered and
sustained access in Syria, in particular the besieged areas and hard to
reach places, as well as to release all arbitrarily detained persons,
including women and children. We welcome the ISSG’s commitment that,
starting June 1 2016, if the UN is denied humanitarian access to any of
the designated besieged areas, the World Food Program should immediately
carry out a program of air bridges and air drops for all areas in need.
We are committed to supporting displaced persons and their host
communities and to working towards a long-term, sustainable
post-conflict stabilization and rehabilitation of Syria and to
eradicating conditions conducive to violent extremism.
We express grave concern over the findings of the Organization for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) regarding the use of chemical
weapons in Syria. Practical and political support for the OPCW and for
the UN-OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism is essential to identify and
hold to account those involved in chemical weapons use in Syria.
We commit our continued support for the unity, sovereignty and
territorial integrity of Iraq and the Iraqi people, as well as the Iraqi
government’s efforts to accelerate political and economic reforms and
enhance national reconciliation. We commend Iraqi forces’ efforts in
their fight against ISIL/Da’esh. We call on the international community
to continue to support the government of Iraq, including by extending
humanitarian assistance and supporting stabilization efforts in areas
liberated from ISIL/Da’esh. We also commit to provide, and expedite as
appropriate, support for Iraq’s efforts to address its fiscal challenge
and strengthen its economy through reforms, in coordination with the IMF
and other international financial institutions. It is critical that
all Iraqis, including the Iraqi Kurdistan region, benefit from this
support. In this context, the G7 is mobilizing more than 3.6 billion USD
in bilateral assistance and other financial support to complement
support from the international financial institutions.
We reaffirm our commitment to actively support the full and effective
implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The
lifting of nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions as provided
for in the JCPOA represents an opportunity for Iran to reengage with the
global community. We call on Iran to play a constructive role in its
region and thus contribute to the efforts to achieve political
solutions, reconciliation and peace, and cooperate to prevent and
counter the spread of terrorism and violent extremism. We are deeply
concerned by Iran’s decision to proceed with the testing of ballistic
missiles inconsistent with UN Security Council resolution 2231. We
further call on Iran to comply with its international human rights
North Korea
We condemn in the strongest terms North Korea’s nuclear test in January
and its subsequent launches using ballistic missile technology. These
acts violate multiple UN Security Council resolutions and pose a grave
threat to regional and international peace and security. We demand that
North Korea immediately and fully comply with all relevant UN Security
Council resolutions and its commitments under the 2005 Joint Statement
of the Six-Party Talks, and not conduct any further nuclear tests,
launches, or engage in any other destabilizing or provocative actions.
We call on the international community to fully implement and enforce
relevant UN Security Council resolutions. We also deplore the human
rights violations in North Korea and strongly urge North Korea to
immediately address the international community’s concerns, including
the abductions issue.
We stand united in our conviction that the conflict in Ukraine can only
be solved by diplomatic means and in full respect for international
law, especially the legal obligation to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty,
territorial integrity and independence. We reiterate our condemnation of
the illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula by Russia and reaffirm
our policy of its non-recognition and sanctions against those involved.
We are concerned by continued violence along the line of contact in
violation of the ceasefire; we urge all sides to take concrete steps
that will lead to the complete ceasefire required under the Minsk
agreements. We also urge all sides to fulfill their commitments without
delay with a view to holding local elections in certain areas of the
Donetsk and Luhansk regions as soon as possible in accordance with the
Minsk agreements. We emphasize our strongest support for full
implementation of the Minsk agreements and the work of the Normandy
format and the Trilateral Contact Group. We expect Russia to live up to
its commitments and use its influence over the separatists to meet their
commitments in full. We stress the OSCE's key role in helping to
deescalate the crisis, and we call upon all sides, particularly the
separatists, to provide the organization’s monitors full and unfettered
access throughout the conflict zone.
We recall that the duration of sanctions is clearly linked to Russia’s
complete implementation of the Minsk agreements and respect for
Ukraine’s sovereignty. Sanctions can be rolled back when Russia meets
these commitments. However, we also stand ready to take further
restrictive measures in order to increase cost on Russia should its
actions so require. We recognize the importance of maintaining dialogue
with Russia in order to ensure it abides by the commitments it has made
as well as international law and to reach a comprehensive, sustainable
and peaceful solution to the crisis.
We commend and support the steps Ukraine is taking to implement
comprehensive structural, governance and economic reforms and encourage
Ukraine to continue and accelerate the process. We urge Ukraine to
maintain and enhance the momentum in its fight against corruption and
its judicial reform, including the Prosecutor General’s office. We are
fully committed to providing long-term support to this end. We also
commend the work of the Ukraine support group of G7 Ambassadors in Kyiv.
We reaffirm our commitment to undertake joint efforts with Ukraine to
convert the Chernobyl site into a stable and environmentally safe
condition, 30 years after the catastrophe.
We welcome the decree of the Presidential Council authorizing the
ministers of the Government of National Accord (GNA) to assume duties
and take control over their ministries, pending the taking of the
official oath. We will work closely with the GNA as the sole legitimate
government of Libya and call on all Libyan parties to recognize its
authority and implement the Libyan Political Agreement. We stand ready
to offer support to the GNA to help restore peace, security and
prosperity, and address the dire humanitarian suffering. We express our
full support to United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary
General Kobler’s continued efforts to facilitate the full implementation
of the Libyan Political Agreement. We remain deeply concerned about the
growing terrorist threat, trafficking in persons and smuggling of
migrants and arms in Libya. We urge all Libyan parties and security
forces to work quickly to implement a unified command in coordination
with the GNA and in accordance with the Libyan Political Agreement to
fight ISIL/Da’esh. We support the sole and effective oversight of the
GNA over the Libyan financial institutions and the Libyan National Oil
Corporation, ensuring that they function for the benefit of all Libyans.
We express concern about activities which could damage the integrity
and unity of such institutions, and condemn all attempts to illicitly
export crude oil from Libya. We reaffirm our commitment to upholding the
arms embargo, in accordance with applicable UN Security Council
resolutions while fully supporting the GNA’s intention to submit
appropriate arms embargo exemption requests to the UN Libya Sanctions
Committee to procure necessary lethal arms and materiel to counter
UN-designated terrorist groups and to combat ISIL/Da’esh throughout the
We stand firm in our longstanding commitment to Afghanistan and its
people and our continuing support for the government, as it counters
terrorism and undertakes reforms. We remain concerned by the threat to
security and stability in Afghanistan, and strongly support efforts
toward establishing an Afghan-led peace process. We look forward to
joining other members of the international community at the NATO Warsaw
Summit in July and the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan in October
which will be important opportunities for Afghanistan to reconfirm its
commitments toward continued reforms, and for the international
community to renew political, security and development assistance
commitments to Afghanistan.
Middle East Peace Process
We urge both sides to avoid further escalation, including measures
which could threaten the two-state solution and strongly support
international efforts to work towards a negotiated solution including
the efforts undertaken by the Middle East Quartet. We welcome the
upcoming ministerial conference in Paris.
We call on all parties to work towards an inclusive, peaceful solution
that will end the conflict in Yemen, including a resumption of the
political transition, in line with relevant UN Security Council
resolutions, and the rebuilding of the Yemeni economy. We fully support
the efforts of UN Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed to facilitate
ongoing peace talks in Kuwait, to end the violence in Yemen and to urge
all parties to comply fully with the ceasefire. We underline the
necessity of all parties taking immediate steps to enable rapid, safe
and unhindered humanitarian access to all areas of the country.
We are convinced that stability, security, inclusive and accountable
governance, as well as economic growth and diversification remain the
foundations of long-term prosperity and sustainable development in
Africa. We recognize the strides made by many African partners in these
areas and welcome the successful political transitions in the Central
African Republic and in Burkina Faso, as well as the recent positive
developments in Mali and South Sudan. We also welcome the growing
coordination between African partners to counter terrorism and violent
extremism, especially in the Lake Chad Basin, the Sahel and the Horn of
Africa. We commit to sustain and deepen the support we pledged to
Nigeria in 2015, including on its efforts to tackle corruption, improve
governance, strengthen its economy, and defeat violent extremism in all
its forms. We also recognize the need to address both the immediate and
the root causes of current challenges and the significant obstacles that
remain, including persistent instability and serious humanitarian
situations in Sudan, the Lake Chad Basin, South Sudan, Somalia, the
Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, and Burundi
as well as corruption and the lack of economic diversification in the
region. We thus continue to support African and regional organizations’
efforts to address these issues, including to prevent and resolve
conflicts, strengthen democratic institutions, fight against trafficking
in persons, manage irregular migration, combat the illicit transfer of
conventional arms, create jobs for the youth, expose and tackle
corruption, and promote sustainable development and resilience,
emphasizing the importance of African ownership of these efforts. We
continue to assist the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and
support the development of the Somali security forces. We also reaffirm
our commitment to combating illicit wildlife trafficking and,
recognizing the urgency of the situation, further reaffirm our previous
commitment to the Resolution 69/314 adopted at the UN General Assembly.
We call on the Venezuelan government to fully respect fundamental
rights, democratic processes, freedoms and the rule of law to provide
access to fair trials and due process, and to establish conditions that
would allow for dialogue between the government and its citizens, in
order for them to find a peaceful means of resolving Venezuela’s
increasingly acute economic and political crisis, while respecting the
will of the people. We call on the Venezuelan executive branch and the
National Assembly to work urgently together to this end.
Maritime Security
We reiterate our commitment to maintaining a rules-based maritime order
in accordance with the principles of international law as reflected in
UNCLOS, to peaceful dispute settlement supported by confidence building
measures and including through legal means as well as to sustainable
uses of the seas and oceans, and to respecting freedom of navigation and
overflight. We reaffirm the importance of states’ making and clarifying
their claims based on international law, refraining from unilateral
actions which could increase tensions and not using force or coercion in
trying to drive their claims, and seeking to settle disputes by
peaceful means including through juridical procedures including
We reaffirm the importance of strengthening maritime safety and
security, in particular the fight against piracy, through international
and regional cooperation.
We are concerned about the situation in the East and South China Seas,
and emphasize the fundamental importance of peaceful management and
settlement of disputes.
We endorse the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement on Maritime Security.
Non-Proliferation and Disarmament
We reaffirm that non-proliferation and disarmament issues are among our
top priorities. We reaffirm our commitment to seeking a safer world for
all and to creating the conditions for a world without nuclear weapons
in a way that promotes international stability. In this context, we
endorse the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Hiroshima Declaration on Nuclear
Disarmament and Non-Proliferation and the Statement of the G7
Non-Proliferation Directors Group on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament.
We remain committed to the universalization of the treaties and
conventions relevant to, amongst others, preventing and combating the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, in particular the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Chemical Weapons Convention and the
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.
UN Reform and UN Peace Operations Review
We reaffirm the importance and necessity of realizing a strengthened,
more effective and efficient United Nations and, to this end, note the
importance of continued engagement on reforms of the United Nations,
such as of the Security Council.
We also support the ongoing reform processes on UN peace operations and
peacebuilding activities, and call for further efforts to advance these
processes by Member States, the UN system and relevant international
and regional partners. We welcome and urge timely implementation of the
pledges made at the Leaders’ Summit on Peacekeeping.
Human Rights
We commit our support to the promotion and protection of human rights
and fundamental freedoms for all people, peaceful pluralism and respect
for diversity. We recall that compliance with obligations under
international human rights law and international humanitarian law is a
cornerstone for peace and security. We reaffirm the importance of the
independent voice of human rights defenders and other civil society
actors, as well as of partnerships between states and civil society in
the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights
and fundamental freedom.
Nuclear Safety and Security
We welcome the report of the Nuclear Safety and Security Group. Five
years after the Fukushima Daiichi accident, we reaffirm our commitment
to achieving and maintaining the highest levels of nuclear safety
worldwide and call upon all states with nuclear power programs and every
stakeholder engaged in international nuclear cooperation including
transfers to promote robust safety standards and infrastructures. In
this regard, full participation in multilateral cooperation frameworks
for nuclear safety, including the Convention on Nuclear Safety, is
essential and we call upon all stakeholders for their active engagement
and continued enhancement of these frameworks. We also welcome the
successful outcome of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington.
We will continue to prioritize the security of nuclear and other
radioactive materials and will work to further strengthen the global
nuclear security architecture. We will also continue our political
exchanges on nuclear security, in particular at the ministerial-level
IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security.
Climate Change, Energy, Environment
Climate Change
Welcoming the historic achievement in Paris, we reaffirm not only our
continuous commitment in our global efforts against climate change, but
also our determination to maintain the momentum of COP21 and ensure
swift and successful implementation of the Paris Agreement including the
long-term aims on mitigation, adaptation, and finance. In this context,
we welcome the fact that nearly every party to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has signed the Paris
Agreement, including all G7 members. The G7, continuing to take a
leadership role, commits to taking the necessary steps to secure
ratification, acceptance or approval of the agreement as soon as
possible and calls on all Parties to do so striving for a goal of entry
into force in 2016.
We commit to take the lead by early, transparent and robust
implementation of our nationally determined contributions, and promoting
increased ambition over time. We also commit to actively participate in
the regular review of global stock-take progress every five years.
We also commit to formulating and communicating mid-century long-term
low GHG emission development strategies well ahead of the 2020 deadline,
mindful of the significance of holding the increase in the global
average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, and
of pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above
pre-industrial levels as well as of achieving a balance between
anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHGs in the
second half of the century.
We encourage all Parties to engage constructively in technical work
with a view to agreeing upon detailed rules for the effective and
transparent implementation of the Paris Agreement by all countries,
including by the major emitters.
Recognizing that we, together with other donor countries, are making
steady progress toward achieving the goal of jointly mobilizing USD 100
billion annually by 2020 in the context of meaningful mitigation actions
and transparency on implementation, we continue our efforts to provide
and mobilize increased climate finance from public and private sources.
We encourage other countries to provide or continue to provide and
mobilize climate finance, to assist developing countries with respect to
mitigation and adaptation and to implement their national climate plans
(NDCs). We welcome the commitments made by MDBs and development finance
institutions to deliver increased levels of climate finance. We call on
MDBs and development financial institutions to mainstream climate
change actions across development strategies and use to the fullest
extent possible their balance sheets and their capacity to mobilize
private financing and other partners in support of country-led programs
to meet this goal. In the context of this goal, we also emphasize our
continuous commitment of mobilizing finance and promoting the transfer
of appropriate technology and capacity-building to support adaptation
planning and actions in the most vulnerable developing countries in
response to their growing needs.
We welcome the progress to date and are ready to further promote the
relevant initiatives on climate risk insurance, early warning systems
and renewable energy in Africa, such as InsuResilience, CREWS and the
Africa Renewable Energy Initiative. We further welcome the involvement
of the private sector, subnational entities, and others through the
Lima-Paris Action Agenda. We recognize that innovation is critical for
an effective, long-term global response to our shared climate challenge,
and intend to play a leading role in Mission Innovation. We also
welcome the leadership of the private sector community in this regard.
We recognize the important role of providing incentives for emission
reduction activities, including tools such as domestic policies and
carbon pricing. We welcome the establishment of the Carbon Market
Platform and its first strategic dialogue to be held in Tokyo.
Recognizing the urgent need for effective efforts in the field of
international aviation, we express our strong commitment to work
together for the adoption of a Global Market-Based Measure (GMBM) in
order to enable carbon neutral growth from 2020, through engaging
constructive dialogue, by reaching a decision at the 39th session of the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Assembly. We encourage
all world leaders to join us in supporting a decision later this year.
We also recognize the importance of mitigating emissions of short-lived
climate pollutants including black carbon, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),
and methane to help slow the rate of near-term warming. In particular,
we resolve to drive down our methane emissions and further recognize the
importance of adopting domestic measures.
We welcome the decision in Dubai by the Montreal Protocol parties to
work to address HFCs under the Montreal Protocol, and we support
adoption of an ambitious Montreal Protocol HFC phase-down amendment in
2016, and intend to provide additional support through the Multilateral
Fund following adoption of an amendment for its implementation.
Given the fact that energy production and use account for around
two-thirds of global GHG emissions, we recognize the crucial role that
the energy sector has to play in combatting climate change. We remain
committed to the elimination of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies and
encourage all countries to do so by 2025.
Energy plays a crucial role in sustaining global economic growth. With
this in mind, we commit to play a leading role in facilitating energy
investments, and encourage relevant stakeholders, despite the increased
uncertainty posed by the current energy price levels, to sustain their
investments in energy sector, in particular in quality energy
infrastructure and in upstream development, so that we can mitigate
risks to future growth of global economy. We recognize the important
role that the energy system has to play in the implementation of the
Paris Agreement. In this regard, we are determined to accelerate our
work towards the transition to an energy system that enables a
decarbonization of the global economy. We reiterate our strong support
for Mission Innovation and commit to further investments in supporting
innovation in energy technologies and encouraging clean and energy
efficient products, facilities and buildings, so as to ensure economic
growth with reduced GHG emissions. We support the enhanced efforts on
energy efficiency and use of renewable energy, including hydro, as well
as other domestic resources.
We reaffirm our commitment to continuing the implementations of the
energy security principles and actions decided in Brussels in 2014 and
Schloss Elmau in 2015, and endorse the Kitakyushu Initiative on Energy
Security for Global Growth, as well as welcome the progresses achieved
in collaboration with partners including the International Energy Agency
(IEA). We welcome the concrete actions to strengthen energy security
for natural gas, both pipeline and liquefied natural gas (LNG),
including Japan’s Strategy for LNG Market Development, the EU Strategy
for LNG and gas storage and the gas security plan by the IEA. We
reaffirm our commitment to continuous efforts in enhancing
well-functioning natural gas markets with greater transparency and
flexibility, including relaxation of destination clauses, development of
price indices and building sufficient and resilient infrastructure with
open access, as well as furthering a strategic view of the LNG supply
chain at a global level. We also commit to our continuous work on
enhancing cybersecurity in energy sector and strengthening our
cooperation in the field of electricity security.
In the context of the ongoing crisis between the Russian Federation and
Ukraine, we reiterate that energy should not be used as a means of
political coercion or as a threat to security. We welcome the
substantial energy policy reforms ongoing in Ukraine, and strongly urge
it to pursue further ambitious reform of its energy sector. We also call
for enhanced cooperation between the Ukrainian national gas
transmission system operator and relevant international peers.
We welcome the steady progress on decommissioning and treatment of
contaminated water at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, and
Japan’s efforts to proceed in an open and transparent manner in close
communication with the international community, towards developing
accurate global understanding of the situation in Fukushima. In those
countries that opt to use nuclear energy, it substantially contributes
to the reduction of future GHG emissions and works as a base load energy
source. In those countries it is also crucially important to engage the
public in science-based dialogue and transparency to inform
policymaking. We call upon all countries that opt to use nuclear power
to ensure the highest standards of safety, security and
non-proliferation including an independent and effective regulator, and
to exchange their expertise and experiences. We welcome the mutual
cooperation and information exchange through international organizations
such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Nuclear
Energy Agency, and the World Association of Nuclear Operators.
Resource Efficiency and the 3Rs
Achieving the sustainable management and efficient use of resources is
addressed in the 2030 Agenda and is crucial for the protection of the
environment, climate and planet. Having in mind the importance of
sustainable materials management and material cycle societies, we
endorse the Toyama Framework on Material Cycle. This new framework
provides a common vision and a guide for future actions to deepen our
efforts on resource efficiency and the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). We
will continue to cooperate through the G7 Alliance on Resource
Efficiency. We will work with business and other stakeholders to improve
resource efficiency with the aim of also fostering innovation,
competitiveness, economic growth and job creation. We encourage all
countries to join us in these efforts.
We reaffirm our commitment to address marine litter, recognizing that
our efforts on resource efficiency and the 3Rs also contribute to the
prevention and reduction of marine litter, particularly plastic, from
land-based sources. Furthermore, we support scientific work to enhance
global ocean observation and assessment for the science-based
management, conservation and sustainable use of marine resources.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
The year 2015 marked the dawn of a new era in our approach to poverty
reduction and sustainable development in all countries, with the
historic adoption of the 2030 Agenda, together with the Paris Agreement
and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. This agenda integrates in a balanced
manner the three dimensions of sustainable development - environmental,
social and economic – and applies universally to all countries.
Reflecting the international community’s unwavering resolve to end
poverty and transform the world into a sustainable one by 2030, leaving
no one behind, the 2030 Agenda lays the foundation for a more peaceful,
stable, inclusive and prosperous international community. To this end,
we emphasize the integrated and indivisible nature of the 17 SDGs, being
well aware that peace and security, development and respect for human
rights are inter-linked and mutually reinforcing, and commit to advance
the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, domestically and internationally,
in a people-centered and planet-sensitive manner. We urge all countries
and stakeholders to engage in this joint endeavor under a revitalized
and enhanced global partnership to ensure a multi-stakeholder approach.
We are determined to take ambitious domestic action in order to
contribute substantially to the global transition to sustainable
economies. In addition to our domestic actions, we commit to support
developing countries’ efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda, with a
particular emphasis on the dignity of individuals in vulnerable groups
and promoting human security. Important elements in our collective
response include: the empowerment of all women and girls and gender
equality, global health, quality infrastructure investment, support for
youth in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in particular, revitalized
response to threats to peace and security, tackling forced displacement
and modern slavery, industrial human resource development and inclusive
innovation; food security and nutrition, the CONNEX initiative; support
for disaster risk reduction including through World Tsunami Awareness
Day, support for climate change mitigation and adaptation, energy
security and sustainable energy, resource efficiency and 3Rs including
addressing marine litter, sustainable forest management and eliminating
illegal logging. We also welcome the World Humanitarian Summit.
We affirm our strong commitment to the timely implementation of the
Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on
Financing for Development which is an integral part of the 2030 agenda,
working in partnership with all stakeholders. Amongst priorities, we
highlight the primary importance of domestic resource mobilization and
of the creation of a favorable climate capable of stimulating domestic
and external private investment, while also reaffirming the essential
role that official development assistance (ODA) and other official flows
(OOF) play as a catalyst for, and complement to, other sources of
financing for development. In this regard, we are resolved to continue
pursuing innovative partnerships and financing arrangements to advance
sustainable development. We also reiterate our respective ODA
commitments, such as the 0.7% ODA/GNI target, as well as our commitment
to reverse the declining trend of ODA to the LDCs and to better target
ODA towards countries where the needs are greatest.
We affirm that addressing challenges in Africa is central to the
realization of the SDGs, recognizing that security, development, climate
change and gender equality are interdependent and instrumental to
ensuring a prosperous and peaceful Africa. As such, we stand ready to
support the promotion of Africa’s development aspirations as described
in Agenda 2063 and its First-Ten Year Implementation Plan in partnership
with the African Union and its members. We do so including through our
bilateral and multilateral partnerships with African countries including
the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), the
Italy-Africa Ministerial Conference, EU-Africa partnership and the
U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit. We affirm that TICAD VI to be held on 27 and
28 August, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya, for the first time in Africa comes
at a critical juncture of translating the global vision into actions for
Food Security and Nutrition
Ending hunger and malnutrition is a fundamental element of the 2030
Agenda. As part of a broader effort to achieve the SDGs, we commit to
engage collectively in concrete actions in collaboration with relevant
partners and stakeholders towards the achievement of our aim to lift 500
million people in developing countries out of hunger and malnutrition
by 2030.
Building on the G7 Broad Food Security and Nutrition Development
Approach, we endorse the G7 Vision for Action on Food Security and
Nutrition, which outlines collective actions in the priority areas of:
(i) empowering women; (ii) improving nutrition through a people-centered
approach that recognizes the diverse food security challenges people
face across the rural to urban spectrum; and (iii) ensuring
sustainability and resilience within agriculture and food systems. We
commit to enhance synergies with relevant international initiatives.
We support the development of good practices for global food security
and nutrition that are in line with the SDGs and the Paris Agreement on
climate change. This could include expanding farming opportunities,
revitalizing rural communities, and enhancing production, productivity,
responsible investment, trade and sustainability in agriculture and food
We welcome the International Symposium on Food Security and Nutrition to be held in Japan and the Nutrition for Growth Summit.
We commit to intensify our efforts under the CONNEX Initiative, to
provide developing country partners with multi-disciplinary and concrete
expertise for negotiating complex commercial contracts, focusing
initially on the extractives sector. The current downturn in commodity
price underlines the importance of negotiating good contracts to help
developing countries secure fair revenues from their natural resources.
We endorse the CONNEX Guiding Principles towards Sustainable
Development, designed to facilitate the mobilization of domestic
resources in developing countries, contributing to the achievement of
the SDGs. We commit to align CONNEX with existing initiatives to build
capacity in developing countries and to improve governance and
transparency in extractives sectors. Further progress will be sought in
close partnership with relevant stakeholders including through the
Negotiation Support Forum established with the OECD and the CONNEX
International Conference on Capacity Building and Transparency to be
held in Tokyo.
G7 Accountability
We remain committed to holding ourselves to account, in an open and
transparent way, for the promises we have made. We welcome the Ise-Shima
Progress Report – the third comprehensive report on our
development-related commitments. The Report highlights the important
contribution that the G7 is making to the implementation of the 2030
Agenda. Positive achievements are seen in areas such as Health, Food
Security, Education and Governance. We will continue to monitor progress
against our commitments.
We look forward to meeting under the Presidency of Italy in 2017.
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