Asia’s Multilateralism
International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are poised to hold their
annual meetings, but the big news in global economic governance will not
be made in Washington DC in the coming days. Indeed, that news was made
last month, when the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Italy joined
more than 30 other countries as founding members of the Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The $50 billion AIIB, launched by
China, will help meet Asia’s enormous infrastructure needs, which are
well beyond the capacity of today’s institutional arrangements to
One would have
thought that the AIIB’s launch, and the decision of so many governments
to support it, would be a cause for universal celebration. And for the
IMF, the World Bank, and many others, it was. But, puzzlingly, wealthy
European countries’ decision to join provoked the ire of American
officials. Indeed, one unnamed American source accused the UK of
“constant accommodation” of China. Covertly, the United States put
pressure on countries around the world to stay away.
China itself is a
testament to the extent to which infrastructure investment can
contribute to development. Last month, I visited formerly remote areas
of the country that are now prosperous as a result of the connectivity –
and thus the freer flow of people, goods, and ideas – that such
investments have delivered.
The AIIB would bring
similar benefits to other parts of Asia, which deepens the irony of US
opposition. President Barack Obama’s administration is championing the
virtues of trade; but, in developing countries, lack of infrastructure
is a far more serious barrier to trade than tariffs.
There is a further
major global advantage to a fund like the AIIB: right now, the world
suffers from insufficient aggregate demand. Financial markets have
proven unequal to the task of recycling savings from places where
incomes exceed consumption to places where investment is needed.
When he was Chair of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke mistakenly described the problem as a “global saving glut.”
But in a world with such huge infrastructure needs, the problem is not a
surplus of savings or a deficiency of good investment opportunities.
The problem is a financial system that has excelled at enabling market
manipulation, speculation, and insider trading, but has failed at its
core task: intermediating savings and investment on a global scale. That
is why the AIIB could bring a small but badly needed boost to global
aggregate demand.
So we should welcome
China’s initiative to multilateralize the flow of funds. Indeed, it
replicates American policy in the period following World War II, when
the World Bank was founded to multilaterize development funds that were
overwhelmingly coming from the US (a move that also helped to create a
cadre of first-class international civil servants and development
The World Bank’s assistance was sometimes overburdened by prevailing ideology; for example, the free-market Washington Consensus
policies foisted on recipients actually led to deindustrialization and
declining income in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nonetheless, US assistance was,
overall, far more effective than it would have been had it not been
multilateralized. Had these resources been channeled through America’s
own aid agency, policymaking would have been subject to the vagaries of
development thinking (or the absence of reflection) from one
administration to another.
New attempts to multilateralize flows of assistance (including the BRICS countries’ launch of the New Development Bank
last July) are similarly likely to contribute significantly to global
development. Some years ago, the Asian Development Bank defended the
virtues of competitive pluralism. The AIIB offers a chance to test that
idea in development finance itself.
Perhaps America’s
opposition to the AIIB is an example of an economic phenomenon that I
have often observed: firms want greater competition everywhere except in
their own industry. This position has already exacted a heavy price:
had there been a more competitive marketplace of ideas, the flawed
Washington Consensus might never have become a consensus at all.
America’s opposition to the AIIB is not unprecedented; in fact, it is akin to the successful US opposition to Japan’s generous New Miyazawa Initiative
of the late 1990s, which offered $80 billion to help countries in the
East Asian crisis. Then, as now, it was not as if the US were offering
an alternative source of funding. It simply wanted hegemony. In an
increasingly multipolar world, it wanted to remain the G-1. The lack of
money, combined with America’s insistence on flawed ideas about how to
respond to the crisis, caused the downturn to be far deeper and longer
than it should have been.
That said, US
opposition to the AIIB is harder to fathom, given that infrastructure
policy is much less subject to the influence of ideology and special
interests than other policymaking areas, such as those dominated by the
US at the World Bank. Moreover, the need for environmental and social
safeguards in infrastructure investment is more likely to be addressed
effectively within a multilateral framework.
The UK, France,
Italy, Germany, and the others who have decided to join the AIIB should
be congratulated. One hopes that other countries, both in Europe and
Asia, will join as well, helping to fulfill the ambition that
infrastructure improvements can raise living standards in other parts of
the region, as they have already done in China.
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